De moment no puc dir res més que la fotografia és el llenguatge que em permet expressar i donar sortida a la meva curiositat desmesurada i a l'interès que em desperta l'ésser humà que fa coses, sobretot en el seu temps d'oci. Ho he descobert tard, però no massa. Soc més jo quan faig fotos i hi ha un món allà fora que vull mirar.
Per a qualsevol cosa em trobaràs a [email protected]
At the moment I can say nothing more than that photography is the language that allows me to express and give vent to my big curiosity and to the interest that awakens me in human beings who do things, especially in their free time. I found this out late, but not too late. I'm more me when I take pictures and there's a world out there that I want to look at.
For anything else you'll find me in [email protected]
Per a qualsevol cosa em trobaràs a [email protected]
At the moment I can say nothing more than that photography is the language that allows me to express and give vent to my big curiosity and to the interest that awakens me in human beings who do things, especially in their free time. I found this out late, but not too late. I'm more me when I take pictures and there's a world out there that I want to look at.
For anything else you'll find me in [email protected]